We’re constantly updating this FAQs page as new queries come in. If you have a question that isn’t answered below please contact support@vsni.co.uk. Your emails will help us to create a library of FAQs to assist other users.
ASReml-R / ASReml-SA comparison and usage
What’s the difference between ASReml-R and ASReml-SA (standalone)?
Does ASReml require an Internet connection?
How to run multiple versions of ASReml-R
Licensing issues, error messages and troubleshooting
Licensing Issues: How to resolve them
Error Messages: How to resolve them
Cannot find ASRemlRegister.txt file
Performance and compatibility
Can I install ASReml on a high-performance computing cluster?
Can ASReml-SA handle very large datasets on a standard laptop?
Is ASReml compatible with high performance computing and the Cloud?
Is ASReml compatible with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server?
Data manipulation and analysis
Converting variance ratios using v-predict() in ASReml R-4
How do I eliminate my outliers in ASReml-SA?
Parallel processing and sessions
Does ASReml support multi-threading or parallel processing?
Sessions vs multi-threaded parallel processing
What are threads, cores and CPUs?