riceMV is an investigation of the tolerance of rice varieties to attack by the larvae of bloodworms.
To load the file into ASReml-R and view the contents use the commands:
library(asreml) data(package="asreml") data("riceMV") View(riceMV)
A data frame with 7 columns and 132 rows: | |
Pair | A factor with 132 levels |
Run | A factor with 66 levels |
Variety | A factor with 44 levels |
yc | Root weight for the control treatment |
ye | Root weight for the exposed treatment |
syc | The square root of yc |
sye | The square root of ye |
Multivariate form of rice with root weight in two variates corresponding to the levels of the applied treatment (control or exposed to bloodworms).
Stevens MM, Fox KM, Warren GN, Cullis BR, Coombes NE and Lewin LG (1999). “An Image Analysis Technique for Assessing Resistance in Rice Cultivars to Root-feeding Chironomid Midge Larvae (Diptera: Chironomidae).” Field Crops Research, 66, pp. 25-26.