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vpredict – Functions of variance parameters


vpredict: Form functions of variance components from an asreml object.


vpredict(object, xform)

object An asreml object.
xform A two-sided formula, where the left-hand side labels the estimate. The right-hand side defines the derived parameter as an algebraic expression. Any of the estimated parameters can be included, represented as "V1", "V2", "V3", … in the order they appear in object$vparameters. Parentheses, and simple functions like X are allowed.

The standard error of the computed value is calculated using the delta method using deriv(), which calculates algebraic derivatives for a wide range of expressions. The variance components are represented in the expression by “V1”, “V2”, “V3”, etc.

A single-row data frame with components:
Estimate The result of the algebraic expression.
SE The estimated standard error.
Updated on June 22, 2021

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