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  3. vcm.lm – Specify constraints among variance parameters

vcm.lm – Specify constraints among variance parameters


vcm.lm constructs a constraints matrix that specifies linear constraints among variance parameters.

vcm.lm(form, data, drop.unused.levels = TRUE, intercept = FALSE,
na.action = na.fail)
form A model formula including at least one factor with up to nc levels, where nc is the number of variance parameters to be considered in the constrained set.
data A data frame with a factor Vparameter, whose levels are taken from the full set of variance parameters, in which to resolve the names in form.
drop.unused.levels If TRUE (the default), unused levels in factors are removed.
intercept If FALSE (the default), the intercept is not included in the call to model.matrix when forming the constraints matrix.
na.action The default, na.fail, is to terminate abnormally if missing values are present.

Variance parameter constraints are specified through a design matrix M from a simple linear model. Let κ be the r-vector of original variance parameters (for either the sigma or gamma parameterisation) from which we wish to specify linear relationships of the form κ = M κn where κn is the c-vector of parameters in the new set. In the simple case where the r parameters are constrained to be equal, c = 1, the r original parameters are all equal to the one new parameter and M will contain a column of ones.

The matrix M is given as the value to the vcm argument of asreml. M must have a dimnames attribute with the names of κ as its row names.

A data frame containing a factor, Vparameter, whose levels are the r names of the variance parameters is returned by asreml when start.values=TRUE. The matrix M is obtained from a call to model.matrix using form and additional factors derived from or interacting with Vparameter.


An r x c matrix M specifying the variance parameter constraints where c is the length of the reduced vector of variance parameters. In a simple case with r parameters and the r-1 and r parameters are constrained to be equal, then c = r-1 and the jth (1, = j < c) column of M has 1 in the jth row and zero elsewhere; the cth column has 1 in the c = (r-1) and r rows and zero elsewhere.

# Suppose there are 4 variance parameters: g1, g2, g3, and g4,
# and we wish to constrain 2 & 3 to be equal

# generate gg as though from asreml(..., start.values=TRUE)

gg <- data.frame(Vparameter = c('g1','g2','g3','g4'),
fac = factor(c(1,2,2,3)))
M <- vcm.lm(~fac, data=gg)
# M
# fac1 fac2 fac3
# g1 1 0 0
# g2 0 1 0
# g3 0 1 0
# g4 0 0 1
Updated on June 22, 2021

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