Paper: Mixed models for genetic analysis
This paper by Julius van der Werf provides examples of applying mixed models for genetic analysis using ASReml.
ASReml-SA User Guides
ASReml version 4 introduced the functional method of associating variance structures with random model terms and the residual, akin to that used in ASReml-R, as an alternative to the former structural method, where the variance models were specified separately from the model terms. Using the functional specification, the variance model for random model terms and the residual error term is specified in the linear mixed model by wrapping terms with the required variance model function. The functional approach leads to a simpler, more concise and less error-prone specification of the linear mixed model, that is more automatic for specifying multi-section residual variances.
The Functional Specification uses the newer, functional syntax.
The Structural Specification uses the older, structural syntax. This structural specification user guide stopped being updated after the release of ASReml version 4 (we are now on version 4.2).
Other version release documents
Additionally you can read about the key new features and benefits of ASReml 4.2.
Earlier releases of ASReml-SA
ASReml 4.1
ASReml 3
This is an introductory guide to ASReml Release 3, with worked examples and exercises. It covers the Windows interface for data management and graphics, and introduces basic statistics, regression, analysis of variance, design of experiments and the analysis of mixed models by REML. The final chapter introduces the use of ASReml. The data sets used in the examples and exercises are provided on-line, in the Courses folder, alongside the folder of the ASReml executable.