ASReml-R 4.1
Minor releases – 10/05/2023
Build for R4.3 – 11/05/2022
Build for R4.2
- Correction to an issue where Wald conditional p-values could be displayed for incremental p-values – 18/06/2021
Build using 4.1.0 – 13/05/2021
Build using 4.0.5
- Fix to problem where ainverse() could fail intermittently when running within RStudio
- Fix to add contrast base factor to set of model terms
- Fix to a problem using weights in multi-section models
- Fix to using power model in dsum() where the correct sort order was not being detected NaN values are converted to NA – 26/01/2021
- An argument added to asreml.options to display the package build date
- Fix for when mbf factor is NA
- Fix for where fitting splines could cause a memory error
- Wald tests can now be run from the asreml call
- Fix problem with coordinate form sparse inverse in a matrix object
- Fix problem where ainverse could fail using a tibble – 16/09/2020
CentOS 7 build for R4.0
Fix to problem where the calculation of F-probabilities can fail when there are large denominator degrees
Improvements to starting values when facv is used
Fix to license activation problem when usernames include multi-byte characters
Step size added to trace within asreml object – 31/05/2020
Build for R 4.0 – 05/04/2020
Issues fixed:
- Fix for ‘unable to load shared object’ error on R3.6 on Mac
- Improved licensing error handling
- Added the Orange wether data set
- Updated to use ASReml mz core
- Fix to error fitting multi-section power models in rparam
- Added standardized deviance residuals to GLM’s
- Fix error in sed table for predictions with one row – 12/08/2019
Issues fixed:
- The offset function was being excluded from the call to the ASReml core
- A ‘function could not be found’ error when fitting the Negative binomial function
- Some minor corrections made for specifying initial values for some multivariate models
- Documentation added for the chkPed function. – 01/04/2019
Issues fixed:
- Added missing MBF example data sets
- Remove unused levels in the term(s) that define the residual structure for unstructured models
- Some multivariate models incorrectly return an error in Rparam where number of observations do not match the residual model
Initial release for R 3.5
- – November 2018