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ASReml-R e-learning

A short introduction to ASReml-R

Free e-learning

The e-learning course below is paid content, but you can access our free ASReml-R videos at https://asreml.kb.vsni.co.uk/knowledge-base/videos-asreml-r/

In this course we will focus on the fundamentals of using ASReml-R version 4 for the analyses of experimental data to fit models for biological studies and calculate BLUE and BLUP values.

Topics of the course

  1. Fitting LMM for a randomized block design
  2. Specify fixed or random effects for a block design
  3. Modelling heterogenous error structures
  4. Fitting a multilevel model for hierarchical structure
  5. Incorporating pedigree information in genetic model
  6. Accounting for correlated observations in LMM
  7. Modelling binomial data with GLM and GLMM

Updated on October 20, 2021

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